Minnesota Criminal Appeals Lawyers
If you were convicted for a criminal offense, you may still have another opportunity to fight your charges. Mistakes often happen during trials, especially with an ineffective criminal defense lawyer who doesn't explore every avenue that might lead to an acquittal. Mistakes and ineffective trial lawyers often lead to wrongful convictions and excessive sentences, and you have the right to challenge these errors and vindicate your rights. Successfully challenging trial court decisions takes extensive knowledge and experience, and you will likely need qualified legal counsel to complete the appeals process. An accomplished Minnesota appeals lawyer like Sarah Gad could protect your rights and help you regain some, if not all, of your freedom.
Our award-winning criminal defense and immigration lawyers are ready to assist you. Call us today at (612) 512-187o .

If a defendant is not satisfied with the outcome of their trial, there is the possibility of appealing the verdict. However, convicted individuals cannot challenge judgments simply because they disagree with them. They need some legal basis, such as inappropriate evidence admission, incorrect jury charges, or improper application of sentencing guidelines, in order to file an appeal. An appellate attorney in Minnesota could help an individual determine the most effective avenue for contesting their conviction.
Proceedings before an appellate court look very different from a trial. There is no presentation of evidence or witnesses or jury, and it is common for attorneys to never appear before the judicial panel. The court often decides cases based solely on written submissions called briefs. These lengthy and complex documents put forth each side’s legal argument and explain what trial mistakes occurred and how justice demands the appellate court resolve them. Because appeals differ significantly from trials, those seeking review of their convictions should consider hiring a reputable Minnesota criminal attorney like Sarah Gad who regularly practices before appellate courts.
A criminal conviction may seem final, but it is not necessarily the last word on your case. You have the right to an appeal, and perhaps even to a new trial, but you must act quickly and with skilled counsel. Appellate practice is unique, so do not entrust your freedom to just any attorney. Select one of our tested Minnesota appeals lawyers to represent you as you fight for your future. Contact us today to learn more about our successful appeals and your case.